Are ozone cleaners bad for the environment?

What is an ozone generator?

Vendors of ozone generators say that ozone may be used to eliminate germs and mold by creating ozone from oxygen. Car ozone generators operate in the same way as home ozone generators, but are smaller to fit inside the limited interior of a car.

Are Ozone Generators Safe to Use? Are ozone cleaners bad for the environment?

In short, ozone generators aren’t safe to use, and they are bad for the environment.

While there is an increasing amount of marketing for such generators that promotes the idea that ozone will break down all contaminants in a vehicle and eliminate bacteria and odor, the EPA has published reports highlighting the health risks associated with ozone and recommending that such generators be avoided. The following are some noteworthy extracts from a recent EPA report on ozone machines:

  • The available scientific information indicates that ozone has minimal capacity to eliminate indoor air pollutants at concentrations that do not violate public health requirements.
  • According to certain manufacturers or suppliers, ozone will turn practically any chemical contamination harmless by initiating a chemical process that produces only carbon dioxide, oxygen, and water as byproducts. This is deceptive.
  • There is evidence that ozone is ineffective at removing a wide variety of odor-causing compounds at concentrations that do not violate public health requirements.
  • Ozone applied to indoor air does not successfully eliminate viruses, bacteria, mold, or other biological contaminants when utilized at amounts that do not violate public health regulations.
  • According to the results of several controlled experiments, even when a user follows the manufacturer’s operating instructions, ozone concentrations far higher than these criteria are conceivable.
  • On the market, ozone generators come in a variety of brands and types. They create varying amounts of ozone. Using an ozone generator may not result in ozone concentrations exceeding public health regulations in many cases. However, several factors influence the indoor ozone concentration, and under some situations, ozone concentrations may exceed public health regulations.
  • Ozone, whether in its pure form or when combined with other substances, may be toxic to the human body.
  • According to certain research, ozone concentrations generated by ozone generators can exceed health requirements even when the manufacturer’s recommendations are followed.

Reasons Why Consumers Should Avoid Ozone-Generating Air Purifiers

Numerous adverse health consequences are associated with elevated ozone levels. Reduced lung function, throat discomfort, severe asthma symptoms, coughing, chest pain, and shortness of breath are all possible complications. Additionally, exposure increases the chance of having an increased susceptibility to respiratory illness.

Apart from the health dangers, the EPA adds that determining the exact amount of ozone utilized in a vehicle is extremely difficult due to the multiplicity of risks. Concentrations are substantially higher in enclosed areas, and it is unknown how the ozone reacts with the materials used in the interior of the automobile.

Ozone, whether in its pure form or when combined with other substances, may be toxic to the human body.

When breathed, ozone can cause lung damage. Ozone exposure at relatively low levels can induce chest discomfort, coughing, shortness of breath, and throat irritation. Additionally, it may exacerbate chronic respiratory illnesses such as asthma and impair the body’s capacity to fight respiratory infections.

According to certain research, ozone concentrations generated by ozone generators can exceed health requirements even when the manufacturer’s recommendations are followed.

Numerous variables impact ozone concentrations, including the quantity of ozone generated by the machine(s), the size of the interior area, the amount of ozone-reactive material in the room, the outdoor ozone concentration, and the degree of ventilation. These characteristics make it challenging to maintain a constant ozone concentration under all conditions.

The available scientific research indicates that ozone is often ineffective in reducing indoor air pollution at concentrations that do not exceed public health requirements.

To be successful in removing the majority of indoor air pollutants, the concentration of ozone must much exceed health regulations. Ozone may form additional compounds when it reacts with substances indoors, which can be unpleasant and corrosive in their own right. So far, we recommend to use the best air purifiers with HEPA filters instead.