How to Be More Eco Friendly – Eco Friendly Living

The UN Report from the United Nations found that we have only 12 years to go for us to get our climate under control. Yes, it’s not 100 years, only 12. Then everything will become out of control.

Sounds quite grim, doesn’t it? It’s about time that we face the extent of the harm caused by human activity to the environmental system. Global temperatures are increasing to alarming levels and if the trend continues then the environment will not be able to endure.

What could we do to reverse the damage? It appears to be an overwhelming task but it starts with everyone of us taking the pledge to being more environmentally friendly.

It’s the responsibility of all of us to alter our lives. The change won’t be sudden and you must do what you can. After some time, it’ll be a regular thing. Start by learning to live a green lifestyle.

105 Ways To Be More Eco-Friendly

What does the word “eco-friendly” mean?

Eco-friendly simply means that it is friendly to the earth , or not detrimental for the earth. The term is typically applied to practices and products that aid in conserving resources such as energy and water, and also reducing pollution of the air, water and soil. pollution.

To be able to engage in green practices start by becoming more aware of how you make use of these resources.

It isn’t important what the reason to be more environmentally conscious is. If it’s helping the environment, reduce costs, or to be amazed at how easy it is to do, each effort you put into living an eco-friendly lifestyle will aid in saving the planet.

Here are 105 ideas to become more eco-friendly. These strategies will help you implement positive changes in various aspects of your life.

Live With Less Plastic

1. Replace cling wraps with environmentally friendly Beeswax wraps

Start your eco-friendly journey by removing plastic. Eliminate the plastic wrap you have to replace with an environmentally friendly beeswax substitute. Beeswax wrap is better breathable and breathable, and can be biodegradable.

2. Replace disposable cutlery set with a wood set

Americans utilize more than 100 million of their disposable cutting boards every single day! Reduce the amount of waste by taking your own silverware with you from your house. Wooden cutlery is particularly easy for you to transport around.

3. Switch to an eco-friendly toothpaste

Think about switching your plastic toothbrushes for bamboo toothbrushes. Bamboo toothbrushes are greener. You could even go further and make use of Zero-Waste toothpaste!

4. Use biodegradable trash bags

Bags made of plastic are among the most polluting items that pollute our planet the most. If we could all shift to biodegradable bags, then we’d be doing the planet an immense favor. Biodegradable trash bags are 100percent compostable and BPI certified.

5. Beware of bottles used to shampoo, conditioner and lotion

More than the 80 million plastic bottles that are dumped from the globe every year, just from conditioner and shampoo! Think about using reusable bottles to replenish your conditioner, shampoo and lotion.

6. Bowls and cutlery compostable

If you don’t wish to carry the cutlery around, and prefer to buy disposable cups, plates and spoons, purchase compostable ones.

7. Bring your own containers to take-out

When you order takeaway ask for recyclable containers instead of disposable containers. There are stainless steel containers at the camping supply stores to ensure you’ll have enough for your takeaway.

8. Don’t use plastic bags for your produce

Plastic bags can create a big environmental hazard. Purchase a few environmentally green and reusable grocery bags. Put one in each bag you take to work, and also in your car, so that you’re always carrying one each time you shop.

9. Cleansing cloths that are eco-friendly

Instead of making use of paper towels or disposable cloths, opt for green wipe materials like the natural cellulose sponges compressed. Cloth towels are also excellent because they can be reused and are completely eco-friendly.

10. Use a razor for safety

The US alone disposes of 2 billion razors that aren’t recyclable. Don’t be a part of this waste. Utilize zero waste razors made of made of all-metal and come with disposable blades. Additionally, you pay only a few dollars refilling zero waste razors in comparison the cost of refilling razors made from plastic.

11. Stop using cotton buds

The only time you use cotton buds is only once and then throw them away do you not? Imagine the amount of plastic waste produced by using cotton buds. Take them off to protect the environmental environment.

12. Make use of plastic-free feminine hygiene products

There are some decent alternatives that are plastic-free, such as disposable cloth pads and lines. Liner and pads made of plastic are made of organic cotton. The washable and reuseable Diva Cup is also a excellent eco-friendly choice.

13. Make sure you have wire pegs for your clothing

Pegs made of plastic are not just harmful to the environment, but they also break easily too. Wire pegs are the best alternative, even though they cost more than those made of plastic. They last, however, for so long that you will not be changing them for many the years to come.

14. Use environmentally friendly cleaning products

Begin to purchase non-toxic natural cleaning products, not chemical-based cleaning products. Chemical-based cleaning products can clean your home more quickly, but they severely harm the pets, your family as well as the environment.

Some of the top brands are Method, Seventh Generation, and Common Good.

15. Non-toxic beauty

Make sure you take good care of your skin, and help save the planet by using products that are non-toxic for your skin. These products do not contain chemicals, parabensor phthalates or ingredients that have been genetically modified.

100 Pure, RMS Beauty, and Alima Pure are among the top natural cosmetics brands that can give makeup brands made of synthetics a fair chance for their money.

16. Purchase ethically-made fashion

The clothes that are ethically made typically have organic materials instead of polyester. Polyester is extremely difficult to compost, as it requires more than 200 years for it to break down. Fashion brands that are ethical are adherents to fair trade and advocate for ethical work practices.

Take a look at these top ethical brands in fashion: ThredUp, PACT, and Everlane.

17. Products for personal care that are environmentally friendly

The majority of personal care products contain microbeads (small pieces of plastic) which aren’t biodegradable, and they end up into water bodies and landfills. Make sure you use safe toothpaste, body wash facial scrubs, and other products for personal care.

18. Eco-friendly Jewelry

If you are a fan of jewelry, it is worth purchasing recycled gold jewelry starting today. Recycling gold jewelry is good to the environment and reduces the need for gold that is mined new.

19. Make sure you have energy-efficient appliances in your home

What about changing your household appliances such as refrigerator washer, dryer, and fridge with more energy efficient models? Appliances that have the ENERGY STAR rating and logo are the most efficient since they consume less power and save energy within the home.

If you are looking to cut down on your electric bill. Read the article we wrote on how you can save energy.

20. Purchase food that is produced and sourced ethically.

If you’re trying to be more environmentally-conscious, be mindful of your choices for food. Food is responsible for less than 50% of a household’s footprint on the environment. Selecting food produced in a sustainable manner will help reduce your footprint on the earth.

Commit to Eco-Friendly Shopping Habits

21. Purchase fresh produce in bulk

Buy your fruits and vegetables loose to help reduce plastic waste. Instead of purchasing packaged fruits and vegetables, you can purchase them in bulk. You can store your fruits and vegetables in small, bags that you can reuse.

22. Consider, “how much use will I really get out of this?”

Does it really matter if you need a new pair of footwear? Do you really need that expensive lamp? If you’re looking to commit to sustainable living do not buy things just to have it. Find items that you are certain you’ll need and will likely use frequently and for a long time. This will help reduce waste.

23. Purchase products with no packaging whenever it is

Take your reusable bags with you when you shop and purchase items that are not packaged and place them into your bags. If they have to be packaged, purchase eco-friendly items that come in zero-waste produce bags , like recycled cardboard containers, reusable jars, or containers.

24. Buy in large quantities

Another way to minimize waste at home. Shopping in bulk is beneficial to the environment and can save you money. It is possible to purchase food items in bulk from grocery shops. Some supermarkets have now started offering stations to replenish your soap, shampoo and other toiletries.

25. Shop locally

Local stores usually sell items that are loose, thus encouraging reuse of packaging. Don’t forget to give back to your community by shopping at your farmer’s market at your local or the green grocery store.

26. Put your money into high-quality items

While discounts can help you save money immediately, they will cost you over the long term. Choose high-end items made to last, which means you won’t have to constantly replace them. Each time you need to replace something, you’re contributing towards the volume of waste.

27. Purchase second-hand

Recycling and reusing is a step towards the right direction in efforts to become more eco-friendly. Shopping for used items encourages recycling and reduces waste in communities. Also, you can save money.

28. Say no to the latest trends

Trends are thrilling and appealing. The fear of not being able to catch up is real, particularly where the latest trends are involved. Before you purchase the latest trending item or style, think about whether you would want to purchase the item in a year’s time after.

Switch to Reusable Eco-Friendly Products

29. Use reusable containers

Don’t let yourself get bored carrying an empty water bottle, a lunchbox and coffee mug every day. Your environment will be grateful for it. Keep leftovers and dry breakfast cereal in containers that are reusable rather than disposable plastic containers. Reusable sandwich bags are great to pack lunches.

30. Use eco-friendly bags to go grocery shopping

Do you find yourself forgetting to take your grocery bag that is reusable? Place one of these bags inside every bag you carry with you so you’ll not forget. Moving to reusable bags to carry your grocery shopping can have an enormous difference to the environmental impact.

31. Make sure you have your own coffee maker

Instead of purchasing coffee in a plastic or paper cup every time you want to have a cup of coffee, invest in an insulated coffee mug , and use it to fill it up with your regular coffee. A single cup of plastic or paper coffee a day can quickly pile up in the form of waste by the time the year’s end.

32. Swap tea bags with loose leaf tea using an reused strainer

What we do not know about tea bags is the fact that they contain plastic inside them. They can be pleasant to use but they can do their harm for the planet. Choose loose leaf tea instead. To make it easier to use purchase a teapot equipped with an infuser.

33. Replace sheets of dryer with reusable balls

Dryer sheets can be replaced with dryer balls. They help conserve energy and water as they absorb more water. The dryer thus requires less energy and energy for drying your clothes.

34. Refillable water bottles are a must.

Instead of purchasing bottle water at all times Buy a quality water bottle that is non-disposable and eco-friendly. You can make use of it every day.

35. Rechargeable batteries

Batteries are a source of extremely toxic chemicals that can lead to contamination of the soil and water. Batteries typically end up in the garbage dumps. Reduce the waste generated by making use of rechargeable batteries. This will save you money and the environment.

36. Straws made of stainless steel

Many restaurants are replacing disposable plastic straws with reusable straws. You can purchase your own stainless steel straws and keep them in a container along with your other disposable cutlery.

37. Repair your items

If something breaks, try to make repairs before you choose to toss it away to reduce waste. Find out if the problem can be fixed before you rush to purchase new ones.

38. Make use of what you have

Try living a green lifestyle by regularly checking your home to see what you already have to reduce waste. For example, if you have to keep food in storage, take empty glasses instead of purchasing plastic storage containers. Also, you should eat leftovers rather than throwing them away, so long as they’re fresh of course.

Up Your Recycling Game

39. Create an organized bin system

The bin is an effective method to manage your waste, and also encourage recycling. In the event that you do not have many space in your kitchen to accommodate an elaborate bin system, simply a plastic tub placed in the laundry room or away from the path is sufficient. Make sure you don’t make use of a plastic bag to store your recyclables in.

40. Recycle as you go

Items that can be recycled at home include containers and plastic bottles such as cardboard, paper glasses bottles, jars and glass aluminum cans and steel tins and foil.

41. More than papers can be recycled

In addition to your old newspapers You should also recycle envelopes, wrapping paper birthday cards, phones after you’ve finished making use of these for their original purposes.

42. Don’t put your items in the recycling bin.

Always make an effort to keep your waste and recyclables, and put them in proper bins.

43. Don’t forget about electronic waste

Electronic waste must be recycled and disposed of in a proper manner. Find the assistance of electronic retailers that offer recycling bins to recycle electronic devices.

44. Donate any items that are not being used.

I’m fairly certain that you have items in your home that you don’t ever want or need. Don’t toss them away Instead, give them away. There are many people who could benefit from these items.

Ways To Reduce Pollution

45. Begin walking or biking

If you’re concerned about the environment and are looking to cut down on carbon emissions, ditch your automobile and begin walking or biking. Start small by running a few things on weekends, after which you can increase your time in a car-free zone.

46. Keep the car in good shape

Check your vehicle regularly to lower carbon emissions, improve the efficiency of your vehicle, and extend the life expectancy of your vehicle. A vehicle in good shape produces less emissions of pollutants and gases in the air.

47. Make use of public transportation

The more people use trains or buses and train, the less cars will be on the roads and the less emissions they will emit. Another alternative is carpooling with your friends or colleagues.

48. Clean your car off the lawn

When you wash your vehicle, you wash off several contaminants and detergents. If you clean your car on the street, these contaminants are deposited in the drains on the streets and then into the lakes and streams.

If you clean your car off the lawn, the plants will absorb these pollutants and reduce the amount that gets into the streets.

49. Properly dispose of chemicals that are hazardous

They include a variety of household products like paints and cleaners. Do not use ones drains for disposal of liquid waste. Bring these chemical substances to a local disposal facility. Recycle aerosol and plastic bottles. cans.

50. Limit the use of herbicides, insecticides and fertilizers.

Make sure to only use these chemicals whenever you need to. For instance, you shouldn’t spray your garden or lawn unless there’s a specific issue you’re specifically required to deal with.

51. Switch to an eco-friendly car

If it’s impossible to be without your car, but you’d like to go green when you drive look into getting green and sustainable technologies. These cars are replacing gasoline and diesel automobiles.

Electric and hybrid cars such as the ones mentioned above, produce significantly reduced or zero emissions that do not cause harm for the natural environment.

52. Try remote working

This isn’t ideal for everyone because not all situations allow remote work. However, if your position permits remote work, you should consider doing so.

This is a great option to minimize the collective footprint of employees. It lowers carbon emissions since there are fewer cars on the road. It also can help reduce plastic and food waste since employees can have food at their homes.

Eco-Friendly Food Tips

53. Reduce your intake of meat.

Meat isn’t only costly but it is also detrimental for the planet. The production of meat is among the top greenhouse gas that all proteins emit. There is no need to be vegan to just eat more vegetables.

54. Make your own food

You’ll be amazed by how simple it is to cultivate the food you want to eat. Start with cherries along with salad greens, plants like green beans. There is no need for to have a garden for this you can simply plant your vegetables on the windowsill using flower pots.

55. Don’t throw food away.

Millions of tonnes of food, and millions of tonnes, gets wasted each year. You can cook or buy what you require to avoid being left with leftovers.

56. Have your groceries delivered

Instead of driving to the grocery store each when you’re in need of items, you can shop on the internet in bulk, and then have everything delivered to your house. In this way, you will not only cut down on carbon footprint, but you’ll less likely to impulse purchase which could help reduce food waste.

57. Eat more plant-based

Incorporate more plant-based meals into your diet for better health but also a sustainable mindful lifestyle. Each small alteration you make can be a big impact.

58. Start a compost pile

Make a compost and make sure you compost as much as can. Instead of fertilizer make use of your compost for your garden and lawn. The majority of foods that take a long time to break down in landfills require only few months to decompose in a compost pile.

59. Be aware of the kind of seafood you consume

The popular fish is being over-harvested to ensure that it can be brought into your food. This can harm the ecosystems of the ocean. Reduce your intake of fish and include more vegetable protein that is textured.

Eco Travel Tips

60. Find green alternatives

If you are a lover of travel and you do it often make sure you stay in hotels that make use of renewable energy sources, and also compost or recycle garbage. Find hotels that encourage conservation, such as eco-friendly lodges. Hotels like these are specifically designed to have low impact on the natural environment and support sustainable tourism.

61. Do not allow animals to be exploited

Be a responsible tourist and go to see animals in their natural habitat instead of Zoos that keep animals in the confinement of. Wildlife rides and animal rides can also harm the wildlife. Do not support this.

62. Help offset the impact

Find fuel-efficient airlines when you travel around the world to cut down on your carbon footprint. Instead of booking first or business class seats every single time travel economy and utilize the cost difference to fund conservation. Give money to a business to invest in a green project, like trees or renewable energy.

63. Do not buy or consume endangered species.

Savouring local cuisines and other treasures as you travel across the globe is a lot of enjoyable. But, it is important to be aware of what you are paying for. Avoid buying food items that is made from endangered species, like turtle egg soup, or purchase souvenirs of animals that are illegally traded, such as ivory or seashells.

64. Don’t litter

The habit of littering is among those behaviors we should all try to stop, whether we are at home or away. Make sure you dispose of your garbage in a responsible manner. If you are able to avoid having garbage in the first place, the better.

65. Utilize public transportation

Don’t use taxis or rentals and instead take local public transport to move around in a new city. This will reduce the carbon footprint significantly.

66. Reduce your energy use

Make every effort to lower your energy use when you journeys. The best energy-saving practices include shutting off the lights, disconnecting your devices, using water in a controlled manner, etc.

Save Water

67. Choose efficient fixtures

We use up a lot of water throughout our homes, and we don’t even realize it. Install efficient fixtures such as aerating your faucets or install a showerhead that is low-flow or toilet that is low-flow and make use of a dishwasher that is energy efficient and washing machine to conserve water in the home.

68. Install showerheads that save water.

Showers, although essential, use up a lot of water. Install a showerhead with a low flow and decrease your use of the water required to shower. Showerheads that are water-saving use just 3gallons of water each minute.

69. Keep one bottle of water to drink in the refrigerator

Do you run your through the tap to cool it down before drinking? We often do this without considering it. However, it’s wasteful. Keep your drinking water inside the refrigerator in a safe bottle, and keep it chilled whenever you want to drink a glass of water.

70. Place a cistern-displacement device in your toilet tank

Pebbles and sand placed in two plastic bottles can reduce how much water needed for each flush. Make sure not to set the bottles directly on the operating mechanism.

71. Utilize every drop. Learn to reuse water

There are many ways to recycle water in your house. Wash your fruits and veggies and use the water to help water your garden. Then, redirect the water from your bathroom to the tank of your toilet and use it to flush the toilet. The water from your washing machine could be recycled as well. It can be used for washing your car.

72. Water with a hand

If you’ve got a tiny garden, you can water it manually instead of using the pipe. Hand watering uses the same amount of water as hose pipe.

73. Install a toilet with a low-flush design.

In general, households flush the toilet approximately 5 times per year. Older flush systems consume about 3gallons of water, compared to only 1 gallon of water required for modern flush systems. Make sure to use modern low-flush system and conserve water.

Similar article Eco Friendly Statistics

74. Shower bucket

Much water is wasted during a shower. Put a bucket underneath the shower head as you wait for the shower to warm up. You can use the water to sprinkle your plants with water and flush your toilet, or clean your car.

75. Fix your leaks

It could be just an inch, but it can be a lot of water that is lost. Make sure that you fix all leaks around your house or hire an expert plumber to help and conserve water.

76. Make sure your showers are short

The longer you are in the shower, the more water you will use. Reduce your shower time to conserve more water. Don’t allow the water to run while you wash your face. Switch on the faucet when washing your face.

77. Do not run the dishwasher or wash machine until it’s fully stocked

Who doesn’t like a shiny kitchen! Placing your dirty dishes into the dishwasher as you use them will provide you with the cleanest sink, however it’s a waste water. Instead, you should run your dishwasher only when it’s fully loaded.

78. Pay attention to your bill for leaks to be able to spot them.

Do you think your bill for water did seem to make sense this month? It’s not because you are drinking more water, but you likely have a leak somewhere. Make sure your pipes are free of leaks and repair them immediately.

79. Plants that are watered outdoors in the early morning hours

Plants that are watered in the morning is less demanding of water since the temperatures are lower. It is also less evaporative in the mornings than evenings. This means that less water gets wasted.

80. Install a rain barrel

We waste a lot of rainwater that we could utilize. Recycle rainwater from roof gutters and downspouts , and make use of it in the house.

For more tips on reducing the use of water, read this the article about how to conserve water..

Eco-Friendly Energy Tips

81. Turn your refrigerator down

The fridge in your home consumes around 13.7 percent of your home’s energy. Cut down the quantity of power that your fridge consumes by setting it to 37°F. Your freezer needs to be set at 3 degrees Fahrenheit to use less energy.

82. Use energy-efficient light bulbs

Energy-efficient CFL and bulb with LED are the most efficient when they consume the energy required to illuminate your home. Install these bulbs and cut down on the amount of energy you use for lighting by about 25 to 35 percent.

83. Install a timer to your water heater

Install a timer on your water heater. Set it to turn off your heater every time you are away for a long time and also at night when you do not require hot water. This will allow you to reduce your energy consumption and electric bill.

84. Install an insulating blanket on older water heaters

Older models of water heaters waste lots of energy due to standby heat. Cover your heater by insulating blankets to decrease the amount of energy required to standing-by heating loss. Reduce energy use by 25-45% and save 4% to 9 percent on water heating expenses.

85. Make sure to turn off lights that are incandescent when you’re not present in the room.

It is a good idea to turn off your lighting as soon as you’ve left a room. Incandescent bulbs are the highest consumption of energy, so leave the lights on for as long as you need to and then turn off the lights when they are they are not when you are not using them.

86. Save money by using solar energy

Making the switch to solar power may initially be costly, but with time, you’ll be able savings in comparison to the cost of gas or electricity. Once installed, solar energy is almost cost-free and eco-friendly.

87. Close the curtains and shut doors.

It might seem obvious and unimportant to do this, however it is a great way to save energy in the house. Close the curtains and shut doors in areas that you aren’t using throughout the daytime. Always keep your home cool or warm, only in those rooms in which you are spending most of your time in.

88. The water heater should be set on the most comfortable setting.

It’s not necessary the water heater to an extreme temperature, particularly when there are only one or two people living at home. The ideal setting is the 115 degree mark.

89. Switch off all appliances and electronic devices when not in use.

Shutting off electronics and appliances to avoid use is another routine that will conserve energy. Additionally, you can utilize power strips that efficiently transfer energy to your appliances while they are in use, consuming less energy.

90. Cleanse clothes with cold water

There is no need to wash your clothes with hot water. It’s an energy waste. Make use of the cold setting on your washer and save approximately $115 per year. It’s possible to put the money to better use.

91. Drying dishes, clothing and dishes

Dryers are indeed less effort, but it can also mean more energy and greater electricity costs. Dry your dishes in the air instead of using the dishwasher’s drying option. Dry your clothes outdoors to dry.

92. Replace or clean air filters

Heating and air conditioners consume much more energy when the filters in the air are filthy. Make sure to keep a routine cleaning and replacement schedule in order to make sure that the filters are well-maintained and operating effectively.

93. Set up motion activated light switches

There is no need for lights always on particularly in areas where they aren’t used frequently. Enhance the efficiency of your energy by installing motion-activated lights in these places. Children are often unable to turn off the lights once they leave a space, therefore the use of motion-activated lights is the perfect solution.

Other Eco-Friendly Tips

94. Consume less

We waste a lot from our daily consumption. A lot of us are caught buying things because they are fashionable in the moment. To truly live a green way of life, only buy the things you really need. The less you use more, the less there is to be wasted.

95. Eliminate single-use

The majority of the plastic that we use in the office and home is designed for use in one place. Many disposable plastic utensils, napkins and water bottles made of plastic go to the garbage. You can change everything you’ve used once by using reusable items.

96. Get rid of the paper towels

Paper towels are a great option to clean your hands, but are they pose a major threat to the environment. 571,230,000 lbs of paper gets put in the garbage every year. Make use of washable sponges and washable cloths instead.

97. Plan your meals

This is a clever way to minimize food waste. If you plan your meals prior to when you begin cooking them, you’ll know what you need to purchase and make sure you don’t have excess food in the fridge that could become rotten in just the course of a few days. This practice will also motivate you to cook more at home and to avoid eating out.

98. Lunch is a must.

Similar to how you pack your lunchboxes for your kids make sure you pack lunches for your office too. According to states that disposable lunches create 100 pounds of waste per person every year. Take your lunch to reduce garbage.

99. Make sure you pay all of your bills

We live in an age of technology in which almost everything we require is accessible on our phones or laptops. Get rid of all your bank statements and bills that are printed on paper and instead sign up to receive them via online.

100. Go digital

A typical employee uses two pounds of paper per day. A lot of people are making use of paper too much even when we’re in the digital age. Notes can be taken on your laptop rather than using a notepad. Make use of emails instead to communicate with colleagues.

101. Utilize the cloud instead of memory sticks or external drives.

Cloud computing has made life much simpler in terms of accessing documents and files. You can get rid of old-fashioned storage devices and memory sticks that can’t be reused and store all your files to the cloud. Google Drive, iCloud and Dropbox are great storage and sharing solutions for files.

102. But an e-reader

Are you a book hoarder? Have you forgotten about the last two magazines from Reader’s Digest? It’s obvious that you don’t have the need for the magazines anymore. Donate the old magazines and books to the local library.

103. Cleanse with bamboo fiber cleaning cloths

Microfiber cloths are made up of non-recyclable microplastics which can be detrimental to the environment. Clean floors and clean surfaces using bamboo-fiber cloths that are green.

104. Stop junk mail

Check your mailbox and eliminate every subscription which you don’t need. Every envelope you throw away without opening should stop appearing to you in the mail. You can remove the envelopes.

105. Purchase reclaimed furniture

There are stores that are selling stunning furniture made of recycled wood or other sustainable materials. It is not necessary to go to a major furniture store to purchase an item that will be beautiful in your home.

It’s clear that being environmentally friendly doesn’t have to be a challenge to be a regular reality.

This list could be daunting, but we want you to explore all possibilities. Pick a few options that you can accomplish. It doesn’t matter what you pick just as long as you begin now!