Sustainable Living: 65 Ways You Can Start Living More Sustainably

The way we’re living isn’t sustainable. Our choices are not sustainable and have led us to our current deplorable situation and condition of the environment. The climate change issue is not the subject of debate in the UN but a fact.

It’s high time that each of us put sustainability into a serious consideration if we are looking to preserve what’s left of our planet. It’s on each of us to change our lifestyles.

Implementing sustainable practices could begin with small changes that reduce our carbon footprint as well as protect the wild animal and vegetation.

What is Sustainable Living?

In simple words, sustainable living refers to living a life that consumes the least amount of natural resources possible to produce the least environmental harm.

As long as we keep living our lives the way we do by consuming all our natural resources and continuing to do irreparable environmental harm the future generations won’t have enough resources to support life on Earth.

65 Ways to Live Sustainably

There are many various ways to adopt sustainable lifestyles and lead an eco-friendly living. Here are some easy suggestions to implement in different parts of your lives. There is no need to be a millionaire, but start small, but begin at the beginning.

Live Sustainably by Changing Your Buying Habits

1. Consume less

The way to reduce your consumption is the most efficient method to lead a more sustainable life. The majority of the waste we produce comes from buying items that we do not really require or aren’t healthy for us. Change your attitude and limit your consumption to what you truly require.

The article is related to: Zero-Waste Living

2. Utilize what you already have

Reduce waste by making use of the items you already have before heading to the market for new products. Do you want to keep it in your refrigerator? Make use of reusable containers or sandwich bags instead of purchasing plastic bags for storage. Are you looking to purchase cleaning cloths? Look through your closet for an old shirt, then cut it into pieces of rags.

All you have to do is think of ways to be inventive and you’ll save tons of money, and the planet too.

3. Find products with no packaging whenever feasible, or at the very least that come in recyclable packaging

Produce bags made of plastic always get tossed into the garbage in the garbage. Plastic is among the most hazardous substances for our planet. Reduce the quantity of bags made from plastic that get tossed into your trash container by buying your goods loose and storing them in recyclable containers or produce bags. If certain products aren’t sold in bulk, purchase brands that are made from recycled cardboard containers, reusable jars, or containers.

4. Bring reusable shopping bags

To eliminate plastic bags, you should always make use of recyclable shopping bags to shop for groceries as opposed to having the shop put your items in plastic bags.

5. Shop locally

Shopping locally isn’t just beneficial for local economies but it is also good for the environment since many local stores and markets use significantly less plastic for wrapping their food items. Local shopping is a fantastic method to locate alternatives that are zero waste and also at a discount.

6. Say no to the latest trends

Trends are interesting. They’re hard to resist and they can be very attractive. It’s not uncommon to are finding it difficult to refuse every latest fashion gadgets, games, or anything else. If you’re interested in living a sustainable living, you need to stop this addiction. If temptation is knocking, consider whether the item you are looking to purchase now is useful one year from now.

7. Purchase fair trade

There’s a lot we consume on an everyday basis that comes from all over the worldparticularly things like sugar, cocoa, coffee tea and chocolate, as well as vegetables and even fruits. Make sure to look for the fair trade certification prior to buying it.

The certificate indicates that eco-friendly products are produced or grown by using sustainable methods, and the people living in the area are payed fair wages and prices for the services and goods.

Sustainable Living Around the House

8. Recycle everything that you can.

Before throwing away anything, take a look at whether it can be reused. A lot of things in your home is recyclable, from cardboard, plastic, to aluminum bottles and cans.

9. Use energy-efficient light bulbs

CFL bulbs or LED bulbs require less energy as than regular incandescent bulbs. You could save up to 35 percent energy used to light your office or home when you choose to install bulbs that are energy efficient.

10. Air filters should be cleaned or replaced

Did you consider that your heating and cooling systems make the most use of energy within your home? As if that wasn’t enough, they also consume more energy when the filter is dirty. Clean or replace filters that are dirty in accordance with the recommendations to conserve energy.

11. Do the full load

The amount of energy and water required for an entire load is about equal to the amount required for a half load. Therefore, it is more efficient to utilize your dishwasher and washing machine only when they are full.

12. Save water

Most people are unaware that water is an unrenewable resource. The planet is running dry of water at a alarming rate because of our consumption methods. To live sustainably , make an effort to reduce water usage in your household.

There are a variety of ways to conserve water in your home, including installing water-efficient showerheads and toilets by using energy-efficient dishwashers as well as washing machines, installing aerators on your faucets for your sinks and even reusing water.

The article is related to: Tips to Conserve Water

13. Change to solar energy

Solar energy utilizes the natural energy from the sun to cut your energy costs to nearly zero.

14. Get rid of the paper towels

It’s easy and practical to make use of paper towels when you’re looking to clean your hands, but in reality, it’s a convenient method that is causing serious harm to the environment and trees generally. Use paper towels instead of dishescloths, towels, sponges and dishcloths for drying requirements.

Related article Related article: Why is Deforestation bad? Top Consequences of Deforestation

15. Use bar soap

Liquid soap must be packaged in a bottle. A majority of businesses utilize plastic bottles which will typically be thrown into the garbage bin. Bar soap is sold wrapped in a container that’s usually comprised from paper. You’ll find a variety of soap brands that use biodegradable packaging.

16. Repair your items

We live in a time where, if something breaks, we throw it away instead of fixing it when it’s easy to repair all the things around your home. If you’re not able to fix it by yourself, you can get an expert to fix it.

Make a habit of buying some high-end items and then repairing them as needed instead of purchasing a lot of disposable, cheap items and help in helping to protect the environment.

17. Do not use the dryer. Dry your clothes on a line.

Conserve energy by air drying the clothes on clotheslines rather than making use of a dryer, which will use a lot of energy to accomplish something you could do for free.

18. Start with composting

Composting is among the best methods to reduce the garbage that is thrown into landfills. Around 30% of what we dispose of is food waste as well as yard debris. Begin composting these wastes and make it a natural organic fertilizer in your backyard garden.

Opt for Sustainable Food Options

19. Buy in the bulk

The convenience of buying in bulk is an extremely economical way to shop for groceries and contributes towards a sustainable way of life particularly if you purchase local organic food items.

Dry foods like cereals, canned food, detergents, self-care items (body soap, lotions etc. ) as well as school and office equipment such as, etc. are just a few of the items you could consider buying in the bulk.

20. Purchase loose produce

Always purchase your fruits and veggies in a loose package. Small bags are handy to take to shop with you for your fruits and vegetables.

21. Eat local

Consume local food instead of fruit, vegetables and other foods that require importation from all over the globe. They consume enormous amounts of fossil fuel to transport them to the local grocery store.

22. Cook your own food

There is no better way to sustain your lifestyle than cooking your own meals at home instead of ordering take-out. You’ll save a lot of plastic each year, and cash!

23. Take lunch with you to work

Do not just eat dinner at from home, pack a lunch to work or school. Take it further by putting your meals in eco-friendly and sustainable lunch containers instead of plastic containers.

24. Swap tea bags with loose leaf tea using the strainer that can be reused

Tea bags are made of the plastic used in packaging. Reduce the amount of plastic waste you produce by making use of loose leaf tea in a strainer that is reusable instead using tea bags.

25. Do not buy water in bottles

Do you drink plenty of water each day? Bravo! While you’re doing yourself some good, you’re also harming the environment by purchasing water that is bottled. Instead, invest in an green drinking bottle and fill it up with water each time you’re in need of.

26. Reduce your intake of meat.

It is costly and harmful to the planet. 70 percent of Amazon rainforest is being destroyed to allow cattle can be raised. The production of meat also creates more carbon emissions than other type of protein. It is not necessary to be a vegan, simply take a look at eating more vegetables and less meat.

27. Produce your own food

Making your own meals isn’t as difficult as you think it could be. There is no need for an area to grow your own food. Grow your own vegetables and herbs on the windowsill!

28. Don’t waste food!

Nearly 7.3 millions tonnes of food waste are discarded in the UK each year. This waste contributes to the carbon emissions from landfills.

Similar article The Facts about Waste

29. Be aware of the kind of seafood you eat

When purchasing fish, ensure that you verify the type of fish you’re buying. Certain species are extremely scarce and are on the brink of being extinct. Do not buy these species.

Be aware of sustainable Travel and Tourism

30. Find green alternatives

The luxury hotels you can stay in are thrilling, but to live a sustainable living as you travel, you should stay in hotels that promote sustainability. They recycle or compost waste, and also use renewable energy sources. Ecolodges are a particularly good choice because they’re designed to encourage conservation.

31. Beware of animal cruelty

Tourism has been blamed of animal cruelty. Be kind to wildlife by practicing sustainable tourism. Visit animals in their natural surroundings instead of visiting areas that keep animals that are kept in captivity like Zoos. Don’t encourage wildlife performances and animal rides or make making use of animals as photo props.

32. Help offset the impact

The planes emit lots of carbon emissions when they transport people from one area to another. It is possible to reduce the carbon footprint of your journey when you travel by using low-carbon airlines.

You can also contribute to the environment by reducing your travel expenses. Offsetting involves donating money to an organization that invests in an environmentally beneficial undertaking. It could be as simple as planting trees or creating renewable energy with purposes of compensating carbon emissions that are that is released into the atmosphere. Instead of flying for business, take a flight that is economy, and give the extra cash.

33. Do not buy or consume endangered species.

It’s likely that you’re eager to indulge in local cuisine in the next city you’re planning to visit. But, be cautious of what you consume. Do not eat foods made with endangered species like the turtle’s egg soup. Don’t also buy illegal trade animal-related souvenirs made of ivory or seashells.

34. Don’t litter

It is responsible for the majority of the garbage that makes its way into our rivers and oceans. Be aware of your surroundings particularly when you travel.

Be careful with your trash while you travel across the globe and dispose of it in the correct way. If you can steer clear of having any garbage in the first place , the more efficient!

35. Utilize public transportation

Another way to cut down on the carbon footprint of your home is to take public transportation instead an Uber taxi, taxi or hiring a car every time you require to move.

36. Reduce the energy consumption

Do your best to cut down on the amount of energy you use wherever you go, no matter the location you decide to remain. Utilize resources like water and electricity in a way that is efficient.

37. Eat local

If you’re living in a home equipped with a kitchen you are able to make use of for cooking visit the farmer’s market in your area or an ethical grocery store to purchase vegetables and meat to make your own meals. If you are dining out you should go to local restaurants instead of fast food chains from overseas. eateries.

Make Sustainable Fashion Choices

38. Buy second-hand

When you are shopping for items to decorate your home like furnishings or even clothes , consider buying used objects. You’ll be amazed by the treasures you can find in shops that offer second-hand goods.

39. Put your money into quality products

Quality products can cost some money, but they will last longer and won’t need to replace them every time. They’re also more likely to be fixed if they fail.

40. Be minimalist by wearing the help of a capsule wardrobe

Check out your closet. How many of your clothes do you own? I’m fairly certain you’ve got some of your favorites. Take out any items that no longer fit give them away and try to keep your wardrobe simple.

41. Support ethical fashion brands

If you are looking to purchase new clothes, always choose brands that respect the environment by the way they make their items. Always search for ethical brands which use eco-friendly materials for their products.

42. Men’s clothes

To reduce your wardrobe’s size, make sure you repair any worn-out clothes you are still fond of instead of purchasing new ones. It’s easy by using simple sewing abilities and tools. If you are unable to do it yourself, you can take it to an expert.

Swap To Sustainable Beauty Practices

43. Let your hair air dry naturally

Reduce energy consumption by let your hair dry naturally, rather than using a blow-dryer, unless you must get dressed quick.

44. Do not use using facial wipes

The facial wipes are disposable items which are thrown away in the trash bin , where they waste a lot of paper. Instead, use a cleanser and wash use your face with an aqueous clean cloth.

45. Utilize natural beauty solutions

In terms of cleansing the face, here are excellent eco-friendly options can be applied to your face. Choose products for your skin made of natural ingredients like coconut oil and aloe vera.

46. Make sure that you support sustainable beauty brands

When you purchase your cosmetics, look for safe makeup companies that produce organic cosmetics. They do not contain any parabens, chemicals, phthalates or other genetically modified ingredients.

47. Refill as often as you can

Before throwing away and replacing items, particularly in your bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom, check whether you can get refills. A growing number of manufacturers are offering refills to decrease use of the packaging that is used. The purchase of a refill is cheaper than purchasing a replacement.

48. Reusable cotton pads

Utilize reusable cotton pads take off your makeup. They are eco-friendly and help reduce the amount of waste. Even better, they can be used for all types of skin.

49. Make use of microfiber cloths

Microfiber cloths are a great green option can be used to wash off the makeup. They can also be used as cloths to wash your face or exfoliating. It is only necessary to wash them thoroughly after every use.

50. Choose cruelty-free

Select brands that are supportive of the welfare of animals through not ever testing products against animals. Brands committed to a sustainable living will always be open about all the work they’re doing to become more sustainable and eco-friendly.

51. Begin with one product and then take your time

A sustainable routine for your beauty routine can be cheap or easy to implement. Therefore, to begin, change your makeup products gradually as you shift to a more environmentally friendly routine.

Sustainable Living On The Go

52. Bring your reusables (coffee cups, cutlery, takeaway container, etc)

Take an the coffee cup for your coffee to go along with a reusable water bottle to fill up your water bottle daily as well as a takeaway container with cutlery to take away. This will help cut down on the use of plastic that is single-use.

53. Do not use plastic (straws or cutlery)

If you are buying takeaway meals and drinks, opt for non-plastic or straws that can be reused and knives.

54. Begin walking or biking

Get rid of the car occasionally and take a walk or ride a bicycle. Even if you only need to run errands on weekends.

55. Switch to an eco-friendly car

It might be difficult to part with your car , but how do you go about replacing your gasoline or diesel car to a green alternative that has emission-free or lower emissions.

56. Try remote work

Many companies don’t permit staff to operate remotely, but If you’re one of the fortunate few, take advantage of the chance. Remote work will help cut carbon emissions because you won’t have to drive your vehicle as frequently.

Choose Sustainable Products

57. Make use of eco-friendly cleaning supplies

Get rid of cleaning products that contain chemicals and switch to non-toxic, eco-friendly ones. Chemical-based cleaning products can harm your pets, family members and the natural environment.

58. Non-toxic beauty

The majority of beauty products contain harmful ingredients that aren’t just harmful to our bodies but also to the planet. Making the switch to non-toxic cosmetics can protect your skin and decrease the use of plastics so you can live sustainably.

59. Shop for ethically produced fashion

Many of the beautiful fashion pieces you see on the storefronts are produced by poor people in third world countries that are the lowest amount of money.

They are also made from harmful materials like nylon. The clothing companies that are eco-friendly, however assure that their employees earn reasonable wages and are using sustainable materials.

60. Personal care products that are eco-friendly

For a truly sustainable way of life choose eco-friendly household products for hygiene that can be biodegradable. Buy toothpaste, body wash facial scrub, and other products for hygiene which do not contain harmful chemicals or plastics.

61. Eco-friendly jewelry

If you are buying jewelry, think about purchasing items made from the recycled jewelry made of gold. Gold jewelry that is recycled is eco green and decreases the demand for gold that is mined new.

62. Consider investing in energy-efficient appliances for your home

Purchase appliances that are energy efficient like washers or dryer and refrigerator. When looking for appliances, search for models that have ENERGY stars ratings and logos. These appliances use less energy.

63. Purchase food that is produced and sourced ethically.

Look for foods that are made locally or in a sustainable manner. This means using organic fertilizer and companies which pay farmers fair compensation.

64. Make use of plastic-free feminine hygiene products

If you are not using tampons or pads for sanitary use, choose washable pads and liners made of cloth. Also, you can find ecological sanitary pads made from organic cotton. Women would prefer to use to use the Diva Cup, which is reuseable.

65. Make sure you have wire pegs for your clothing

Plastic pegs might be inexpensive, however they are of such poor quality that they will require to be replaced every now and again. Additionally, they’re polluting the environment. An option is to use stainless steel which will last forever and doesn’t require regular replacement.

It isn’t simple to live a sustainable life It requires you to implement sustainable lifestyle changes. It’s good to know that there is no change too small. All you need to do is be active when it comes to making a change to a sustainable lifestyle, and you’ll see results in a short time!